The delusional dream world of liberals is filled with FAKE hate crime hoaxes… that they desperately wish were real (to give their lives meaning)

The delusional dream world of liberals is filled with HATE. Specifically, their minds are filled with imaginary “hate crimes,” almost all of which turn out to be complete hoaxes woven from the cobwebs of mass hysteria. (Seriously, you are witnessing a large-scale “shared delusion” that reflects the deeply disturbing mass mental illness of the Left.)

Of course, liberals desperately hope the hate crime hoaxes are real. That’s what gives their pathetic existence meaning. They need to tell themselves they are fighting against injustice, censoring people to halt “hate,” and calling for violence against conservatives in order to establish “tolerance” and “peace.”

Hate crimes and SJW propaganda have become the religion of the lunatic Left. These misguided, pathetic individuals have abandoned belief in God, and in His place, they now worship fairy tales of persecution and victimhood. They are deranged, deluded and dangerous to any free society. Yet the left-wing media colludes with this cultist, amplifying the hate crime hoaxes and lending legitimacy to entirely fabricated claims that have no basis in reality.

You can easily write the script for the next hate crime hoax, because they all follow the same pattern

And so the fake hate crime hoaxes continue to spill out, and the left-wing media uncritically catapults every one of them into the public psyche, not bothering to check a single fact as long as the story follows the desired narrative: White people wearing (MAGA hats / KKK hoods / American flags) attacked (famous actor / innocent bystander / journalist) for being (gay / trans / black / Latino / Muslim) while screaming (racial slurs / homophobic slurs / Islamophobic slurs / etc.). You can practically write the script yourself, or even program a hate crime hoax generator script to write these for you.

The problem is, they’re almost all fabricated by the “victims” themselves… as in the case of Jussie Smollett, the Empire actor who reportedly paid two Nigerian black dudes to attack him in a staged hate crime hoax that he used to promote his career as a “victim.”

Of course, CNN, the New York Times and everybody else ran with the story and concluded Smollett’s narrative was a “fact,” even without a single supporting piece of evidence to back up his story.

Facebook censors voices of reason that question the fake hate crimes

Even worse, now that the narrative is unraveling by the hour, Facebook is going to great lengths to censor stories that expose the hate crime hoax. As PJ Media reports:

Over the weekend, Facebook prevented people from sharing two conservative articles on the unraveling case of Empire star Jussie Smollett, which seems to be a hate hoax. Both Rod Dreher, author of The Benedict Option: A Strategy for Christians in a Post-Christian Nation, and Daily Caller reporter Jen Kerns saw their articles censored on Facebook.

“You are not allowed to say on Facebook that Jussie Smollett carried out a hate hoax,” Dreher tweeted on Sunday with a screenshot of Facebook blocking his article at The American Conservative.

As usual, Facebook’s censors answer to no one, yet they selectively censor whatever speech they don’t want you to read, claiming it violates some form of “Community Standards.”

It is the tech giants, in fact, who helped catapult this massive scam into public consciousness. When all dissenting views and voices are banned from speaking, the gates are wide open for wildly delusional, fabricated hoaxes to get picked up and magnified by the dishonest media and anti-free speech social media companies.

Here’s a more complete list of fake hate crime hoaxes from recent memory

One website that documents fake hate crimes is called The site has received so much web traffic recently that it cratered and is currently offline.

Meanwhile, twitter user Andy Ngo has tweeted out a series of fake hate crime hoaxes, which you can read here until twitter bans his account and de-platforms him for daring to speak the truth. (That’s what twitter routinely does to voices of reason and sanity.)

Read more media hoaxes and fake hate crimes at


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